What are some of those similarities? -How are Africa’s climate regions laid out (what is their pattern)? What happens to the climates as you travel north and south away from the equator? -What is the world’s largest HOT desert? What is the world’s largest desert…period? -What three factors led to the creation of the Sahara Desert? -What are the following terms that relate to the Sahara Desert: Erg, Reg, Wadi, Depression? -What is the Sahel? -What is desertification? -What are the five reasons behind the desertification trend of the Sahara Desert? -What is the world’s longest river? -What are the two tributaries that unite to form the Nile River? Why does one of these tributaries contribute more water to the Nile than the other? Which is which? -Why does 99% of Egypt’s population live on only 3% of Egypt’s land? Where in Egypt does this 3% live? -On what river was the Aswan High Dam built? What are its PROS and its CONS? -What are the two most valuable resources found in North Africa? -Where does most of North Africa’s population live and why? -Why must Libya import 75% of its food? -What is Libya’s solution to its water needs? -What is the dominant culture of North Africa today? -Where is the Maghreb? -What country of North Africa did the British come to control during the colonial era? What was so special about this country that the Brits had to have it? -When did the African countries gain their independence from the Europeans? -Who said he wanted to “Paint Africa British Red” and “From Cape to Cairo”-What was the meaning of these phrases? -What was the Arab Spring? In what country did it begin? How has it brought about change in the M.E.N.A.? Chapter 22 (West/Central Africa): -What is Africa’s most populated country? What is Africa’s #1 oil producing country? -In what part of Nigeria is its oil wealth found? -Why is Nigeria considered to be one of the world’s most corrupt countries? -What is M.E.N.D.

#Africa geography tests pdf#
Download Africa Unit - Geography - Exam and more Geology Exams in PDF only on Docsity!Africa Unit Exam Review (North Africa): -What is the M.E.N.A.? Remember, it is a region that is united based on cultural and physical similarities.