Deeper voice: you might sound croaky for a while, or you might have a high voice one minute and a low voice the next.Hair: areas of your body become more hairy, including your armpits, legs, arms, face, chest and around your penis.Sperm: you start producing sperm, and you may have wet dreams in which you ejaculate (come) while you’re asleep.Spots and sweat: hormones can make you sweaty and spotty, but as long as you have good personal hygiene you can still look and feel healthy.This misconception likely comes from the fact that deeper voices are often associated with greater levels of testosterone, and therefore, in some cases, greater physical size. Male monkeys with larger hyoids, which make lower-pitched calls, had smaller testicles. Does a deep voice mean big balls No, a deep voice does not necessarily mean that a person has big balls. But with howler monkeys, the sexual trade-offs don’t end with voices.

At other times, you might think about sex a lot. Does a deep voice mean big balls Deeper voices are thought to reflect a larger body size, which could represent a good choice for a mate. This means they cant vibrate as quickly to produce higher notes like they did before. Unexpected erections: your body produces more sex hormones, so you might get erections when you least expect them and you’re not thinking about anything sexy. The vocal cords that allow us to speak grow thicker.Bigger penis and balls: your testicles and penis grow, and they may feel itchy or uncomfortable.Getting taller: your body grows, and it may become more muscular.Every boy is different, but here are some of the most common changes to look out for: Let us think about Micheal Jackson.There are plenty of signs that puberty has started. I think it is very possible, there is something to it.interesting. Testicle clipped to maintain a high pitched singing voice or play the role of a female on stage with the use of the high pitch quality (esp Cath. You know, there was a practice that male boys were taken and had their Many guys I work with and have seen in the locker room with large balls I noticed have good size balls also. There are lots of things you can do to boost your libido, meaning you can. I have one son, also, with a real deep bass voice.and yea, he's got large hangin testicles. Male sex organs Body hair Muscle Deepening voice Sperm Red blood cells. In fact, many males in my family are low pitched and a few females as well.

I don't consider my voice as bass deep as theirs.but I aint no tenor either. A deeper voice is a common side effect of anabolic steroids and is seen to. One of his sons, sounds just like him.also with large balls. When taking steroids, the testes (testicles or balls) will often decrease in. ) Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost. I changed my voice with the time, getting a deeper voice. So I would guess there is a slight correlation between deep voice and bigger balls. He has some large hangin balls that's always noticiable esp. They say that testosterone thickens and makes a man’s vocal chords longer and so deepens his voice. During puberty, testosterone makes your voice box grow, and your vocal cords get longer and thicker. I know my uncle has a very low, deep tone (bass) voice. Thats why a boys voice is higher than an adult male voice. As such, Rick and Mortys voice cast has grown along with the adventures of its. It has something to do with early puberty of the male also.tending to having large gentials. Click to expand.********************************************************īelieve it or not, I think there is something to this theory. Deeper voices are thought to reflect a larger body size, which could represent a good choice for a mate.