- Way of the samurai 1 continue ps3#
- Way of the samurai 1 continue plus#
- Way of the samurai 1 continue series#
Be it the wardrobe you are presented with, the weapons you fight with, or the broken English you’ll come across (not to mention some of the quests you can do), the game is unlike most things you’ve probably seen or played. Truth is, the game capitalizes on being silly. In a game that requires multiple playthroughs to experience all of the story, it’d be silly not to give incentive on replaying, right? After beating the game you’ll get an assortment of unlocks that can be purchased, which includes changing your sex. While that may sound ridiculously short, note that there are three factions, the game’s dialogue is reactive, and your progress carries over between completed playthroughs. The game from start to finish following a faction should only last a few hours. Perhaps not as clever, but it just adds to the point of the game letting you do what you want. While Far Cry 4 was lauded for its “secret ending” at the beginning of the game, Way of the Samurai 4 had something similar years before – you can tell the boatman that brought you to take you away right from the get go.

The game itself doesn’t last too long, depending on the path you choose. That said, the fights can end really quickly (not quite Bushido Blade quick) if you don’t know what you’re doing, and that’s always a great way to end your samurai’s journey. You can also expect a group of enemies to attack you one at a time because they have manners and know it’s not fair to be ganged up on. The camera can also get lost amidst the action, causing some frustration. The physics isn’t quite perfect in this game either, so expect to find yourself or others standing on surrounding objects magically, as you would in older games. While battles are comprised mainly of light attack, heavy attack, blocking, and countering, that’s a lot of variance depending on what your preferred style is – explore it a bit.
Way of the samurai 1 continue plus#
On the topic of fighting, there are eighty plus fighting styles in the game that you can learn. Speak with the locals threaten the locals kill the locals… While you can’t kill EVERYONE like you could in the previous entry, it’s pretty close based on your skill.

Shortly after the introduction to fighting, you are given free reign. From the very opening you are given the choice of siding with two factions, or not bothering with either. You’re a samurai wandering the countryside, and you are offered options of what you’d like to pursue storywise. That aside, what you’ll find is more of what the previous games offered. A game can be the most beautiful piece of art ever made, but hold it up against something addictively fun, and see which is picked by the masses and played longer. But as a long line of people will tell you: graphics don’t make a game fun.
Way of the samurai 1 continue ps3#
While the game was originally made for the PS3 and released in 2011, even by last generation standards, it’s not a very pretty game. Let’s just get this out there right now – the game isn’t that good looking.
Way of the samurai 1 continue series#
All I know is that I played the series by chance in 2002, and have since been happy to find a new one come out, despite such little fanfare – and get localized, no less!

Perhaps it is the fact that I adore Japanese culture, or maybe the fact that it’s more open-world than most other games are despite their claims. Way of the Samurai has been a series I’ve always enjoyed, despite never really doing well on a critical level.